Meeting documents

SCC Constitution and Governance Committee
Monday, 30th January, 2023 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Constitution and Governance Committee, Monday 30th January 2023 10.00 am (Item 7.)

To consider report.


The Committee considered a report from the Council’s Monitoring Officer, Scott Wooldridge and Melanie Wellman, Assistant Director and Monitoring Officer, Sedgemoor District Council which detailed the draft officer decision-making structure for the new Council and the Proposed Officer Scheme of Delegation (set out at Appendix 1) and the Statutory and Proper Officers (set out at Appendix 2). The proposals offer an officer decision-making structure that would ensure that officers were able to run the Council on a day to day basis and within the parameters set by the new Council.


Ms Wellman explained that the new Officer Scheme of Delegation had been drafted following a review of Peer Councils. The Buckinghamshire Scheme had been used as a starting point and amended to suit local circumstances and to provide some continuity. For example, the "Key Decision" threshold was the same as the current Somerset County Council threshold of £500K and the Scheme had been drafted so that officers were granted specific delegations ensuring absolute clarify as to what they were authorised to do.


The Scheme ensured that there was appropriate Member consultation before certain decisions were taken. Consultation with Lead Members was required where a "Key Decision" was being taken, there was significant opposition from the public or significant media interest. Ms Wellman referred to ‘safeguards’ and referenced the ‘general delegation’ section at part 5. Mr Wooldridge confirmed that the document would need to be read in conjunction with the Executive arrangements which would be before the Committee on 14 February 2023


During the debate the following points were highlighted: -

·         Appendix 1, section 2.2.1 suggested ‘should’ be changed to ‘shall’ – this was agreed

·         Useful to have a flow chart of decision making included and role of councillors

·         Appendix 2, section 119 (delegation to Chief Planning officer, and queried about where Community Infrastructure Levy and enforcement functions sat – as part of the response the proposed role of executive subcommittee was highlighted as well. This would meet in public, have a work programme and were not private bodies – they would report back to the parent body (the Executive) and were also required to report to Full Council.

·         Confirmed that policies, plans and budgets were set by members and that this scheme proposed to change this. The scheme would ensure officers were empowered to work in accordance with relevant policies, plans and so on

·         It was important to include local members early in any decisions.


The Committee AGREED:


(1) Recommended the draft Officer Scheme of Delegation at Appendices 1 and 2 to the report to Council for approval.

(2) Noted that there would be a review of the Scheme after the first year of the New Council.

(3) Due to the evolving nature, delegated authority to the Monitoring Officer to make changes to the draft Scheme prior to its consideration by Full Council.


Supporting documents: